Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Final Selection

I spent over an hour narrowing down my favorites of's many, many holiday cards. When I finally chose one, I spent an equal amount of time selecting the pictures to feature on it (with some help from Tim, of course.) But I'm so happy with the end result, especially considering they were a gift from Shutterly (a $104 value!). I can't wait for them to get here, and I also can't wait to send them out! What a wonderful experience!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Charlotte's First Christmas

is coming up, so naturally I'd like to document it with as many photos as possible. One thing that is really important to me is to send out a photo Christmas card. Since she's so new (and wonderful), and changing and growing so quickly, I want everyone we love to be able to have a picture of her, and this is the best possible way to make that happen. So, with the help of, this years Christmas cards should be amazing! Here are some of my favorites:

I love the bright colors and simple styling of this one. It's sweet and festive.

This one feels so modern to me, and it can have multiple photos on it.

Again, I love the modern feel of this one, that it can have three pictures, and the colorful lettering.
Some possible card worthy shots from our days in the snow:

Having a snow ball fight with her grandpa (while blowing bubbles, a favorite past time of hers.)

Snuggling with me to keep warm,

And getting squishy smooches from her mommy and daddy.

Right now, Shutterfly has a promotion for 50 free holiday cards (what more could a new mom want?) All you have to do is blog about it! Simple enough. I'm thrilled that at a time when so many people are strapped for cash and are having to do away with certain non-essentials (for us, one of those things was going to have to be Christmas cards, actually), this wonderful company is making it possible for us to share with our friends and family. Thank you Shutterfly!See here for details.